Jeremy Stein - Journal

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Sometimes a certain form of a word becomes so much more common than the root word that when people want to use the word in its original part of speech, they add an additional suffix rather than revert to the root word.

Here’s an example:

The root word is the verb “incent”. When changed to a noun, it becomes “incentive”. When people want to use “incentive” as a verb, they say “incentivize”. That means exactly the same thing as “incent”.

See what I mean?

Here are words I’ve heard used where a simpler form would have sufficed. (I keep coming back to edit this page when I hear new ones.)

May 24, 2019 1 Comment.

One Comment

  1. Saad Imam replied:

    I see myself doing this too often. :D

    August 26th, 2019 at 4:12 pm. Permalink.

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