Jeremy Stein - Brain

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Move AccuRev Workspace

If you need to move an AccuRev workspace to a new directory (or new machine), you can use the accurev chws command.

For example, to move my workspace “BigProject_username” from C:\BadLocation to D:\Dev\NewLocation, I run these commands:

move C:\BadLocation D:\Dev\NewLocation
"C:\Program Files\AccuRev\bin\accurev.exe" chws -w BigProject -l D:\Dev\NewLocation

May 8, 2012 1 Comment.

One Comment

  1. jo mars replied:

    Thanks! …needed that.

    Performed my workspace move between two linux boxes:

    1. tarballed “/BadLocation” on boxA
    2. sftp’d tarball to boxB
    3. expanded tarball on boxB
    4. accurev chws -w BigProject -l /NewLocation/BigProject

    July 16th, 2012 at 5:58 pm. Permalink.

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