Jeremy Stein - Journal

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Fidelity mistake

About a week ago, I received a letter from Fidelity informing me that their privacy policy was enclosed. It wasn’t. I figured I was the victim of an envelope-stuffing-machine error and forgot about it. Today, I received another letter. It begins:

Dear Fidelity Investor:

Enclosed is Fidelity’s 2007 Privacy Policy, which was inadvertently omitted from a mailing we recently sent you. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused you.

They actually forget the enclosure in a mailing to millions of Fidelity customers. I bet somebody at Fidelity’s printing operation is really embarrassed.

On a positive note: now that I actually have the privacy policy, I’ve learned that Fidelity doesn’t sell my information to anybody. There’s nothing to opt-out of; they just don’t do it. How refreshing.

May 17, 2007 3 Comments.


  1. Tara replied:

    (*sighs with relief*) With a title like that, I was anticipating something much juicier. :)

    May 17th, 2007 at 11:07 am. Permalink.

  2. Jess replied:

    So was I!!

    We got a letter this week from our credit union apologizing for the fact that our last statement came in an unsealed envelope. I hadn’t noticed. They went on at length about the steps they’re taking with their mailing contractor to ensure this doesn’t happen again, how much they respect our privacy, etc…

    May 17th, 2007 at 4:01 pm. Permalink.

  3. Shannon replied:

    Ok, fine. So was I!!!

    May 31st, 2007 at 5:02 pm. Permalink.

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