Jeremy Stein - Journal
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For dinner, yesterday, we had pork. As we were eating, I glanced through the mail. My state assemblyman, Joseph Morelle, had sent out an update bragging about his accomplishments in Albany. It looked like he had pork as well. Here is the money he “secured” for Rochester:
$5,000 for a playground
$60,000 to light a Little League field
$10,000 for a sports program
$50,000 to improve safety in the homes of elderly
$50,000 for a new museum exhibit
$75,000 for a film festival
Fiscal responsibility in New York state is a joke. We complain about the high taxes, but then we want to make sure we get our fair share of spending.
I guess I can understand my assemblyman’s position. If he wrote a newsletter that said “I turned down all my contituents’ silly requests for grants to help keep down taxes”, it probably wouldn’t go over so well. Particularly since it wouldn’t be true. Taxes would still be high since all the other representatives are “securing” money for their areas.
I think I’d almost be a Libertarian if their morals weren’t so… well, libertarian.
One Comment
- Bob replied:
Heh. I hear you. I am a Libertarian (sort of), and the strange morals that seem to go along with it always weird some people out. I sort of chalk it up to the same category as quotes like “I may disagree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” In this case it’s “I may disagree morally with what you do, but I’ll defend your right to do it.” (I’m not too big on the death thing. I’m not THAT much of a Libertarian.)
September 10th, 2004 at 12:26 pm. Permalink.
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