Jeremy Stein - Brain
« Dell Inspirion 530n with Ubuntu | ies4linux core dump » |
Ubuntu 7.10 customizations
I started with Ubuntu 7.10 on a Dell Inspirion 530n. Here are the changes I made:
Get latest updates (but don’t upgrade to 8.04).
Label my external hard drive:
e2label /dev/sdb1 Backup
And check that it worked:
vol_id /dev/sdb1
Create a mount point
sudo mkdir /mnt/backup
Add it to /etc/fstab with this line:
LABEL=Backup /mnt/backup ext3 defaults 0 2
(The 0 means don’t back it up. The 2 means run fsck, but after the root filesystem is done.)
Via mplayer:
Install GStreamer ffmpeg video plugin
Install GStreamer plugins for aac, xvid, mpeg, faad
Install GStreamer plugins for mms, wavpack, quicktime, musepack
Install GStreamer extra plugins
Install wine
Install cabextract
Follow these instructions:
Set up the printer with these instructions:
Set up the scanner with these instructions:
Install firefox per these directions:
Install rsnapshot
Edit /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot
0 */4 * * * root /usr/bin/rsnapshot hourly
Create cron.daily/rsnapshot
/usr/bin/rsnapshot daily
And again for weekly and monthly
Install libtiff-tools (for tiffcp)
Install kino
edit /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules to put raw1394 in the video group
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add – && sudo apt-get update
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
sudo apt-get update
Open Synaptic (System, Administration, Synaptic Package Manager)
Enable the Recommended Updates (Settings, Repositories, Select the Updates tab, check the box in “Recommended Updates (gutsy-updates)”, click Close)
Reload your package information (Ctrl+R)
sudo apt-get install acroread acroread-escript acroread-plugins mozilla-acroread
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